From Systems to Assemblies
Schulte Roofing has grown into a leader of the residential roofing scene since they opened in 1994, developing outstanding roofing systems for homes across Central and Southeast Texas. But when their brand extended beyond residential roofing systems, we helped Schulte Roofing take a prominent position in the larger world of commercial roof assemblies.
Since its inception in 1994, Schulte Roofing has been a leader in residential roofing systems, providing high-quality craftsmanship for homes across Central and Southeast Texas. But as the company’s vision expanded, so did its ambition. Schulte Roofing sought to make a name for itself in the competitive world of commercial roof assemblies, breaking free from the perception of being “just another shingle banger.” With this in mind, we partnered with Schulte Roofing to reposition the brand and create exponential growth opportunities in the commercial market.
While Schulte Roofing was highly respected in the residential market, their reputation didn’t carry the same weight in the commercial sector. The qualities that made them a household name like trust, craftsmanship, and customer service weren’t enough to overcome industry stereotypes. In the eyes of commercial project managers and large construction firms, Schulte Roofing lacked the polish and credibility required to compete at the highest levels of commercial roofing.
Our challenge was to reposition Schulte Roofing as a serious contender in the commercial market while maintaining its dominance in the residential space. This required a dual-pronged strategy to address both markets, create frictionless touchpoints, and design a campaign that bridged the gap between “homegrown favorite” and “industry leader.”
We launched an account-based marketing (ABM) campaign targeting key players in the architecture, engineering, and construction (A/E/C) industries. This campaign included live events, corporate sponsorships, social media placement, and direct marketing initiatives. The messaging emphasized Schulte Roofing’s reliability, scalability, and high standards which were qualities that resonated deeply with commercial audiences.
A key element of the campaign was a revamped website featuring distinct content streams for residential and commercial visitors. The site used advanced audience tracking and CRM integration to deliver personalized content, ensuring each user received a tailored experience. For example, residential customers found resources on repairs and home improvement, while commercial customers encountered case studies and detailed information on large-scale roof assemblies.
To elevate the brand’s perception, we developed high-quality creative materials, including three new commercial spots that could work as standalone 30-second ads or combine into a singular 60-second piece. These ads focused on transferring the trust Schulte Roofing had earned in residential markets into its commercial messaging.
Offline, we activated the brand at events, established partnerships with influencers in the A/E/C industry, and created sponsorship opportunities to increase visibility. The campaign also featured programmatic advertising across digital platforms such as OTT, CTV, Spotify, and Pandora, with AI optimizing ad rotations to maximize impact.
By weaving these touchpoints together into a unified strategy, we created an approach that both reinforced Schulte Roofing’s residential stronghold and built meaningful relationships with commercial audiences.
We built an ABM campaign with live events, corporate sponsorships, social media placement, and direct marketing, specifically targeting commercial firms in the A/E/C industry. From the onset, the campaign was successful as it showed the brand’s continual growth in the commercial world and set the tone for what really mattered among commercial customers, such as security, longevity, scaling, and perception. Additionally, by recruiting a highly trained workforce and bringing them into the brand’s training program, we signaled to large construction firms that Schulte Roofing was a reliable brand capable of executing big projects with the same high level of craftsmanship and guarantees celebrated in its residential market.
Finding the right message, however, meant creating a mold from a deep analysis of our commercial targets. Using an ABM strategy within the broader campaign, we set out to build brand awareness and authority among the commercial targets, thereby repositioning the brand for higher relevance among premium commercial accounts.
We developed hyper-targeted and personalized messaging based on our targets’ capabilities, references, expertise, interests, behavioral trends, and geolocation, and we accelerated the spread and impact of the brand’s reputation using all new creative, a revitalized website with a commercial focus, and key influencers in the A/E/C industry.
To maintain Schulte Roofing’s residential position while carving whitespace in the commercial market, we cast the brand architecture into 2 separate divisions with branding and messaging tailored for each channel and market, governed by communication guidelines and internal reviews to solidify a unified, yet separate, process.
With TV and radio broadcasts, editorials, press mentions, and social media executed all across Texas, we were able to strengthen brand awareness and loyalty in the residential market and dramatically increase visibility in the commercial market. For the programmatic ads and on digital channels such as OTT, OTV, CTV, Spotify, and Pandora, we aired both residential and commercial spots using artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize the scheduling and ad rotations. Residential spots focused on acquisition and awareness models. Commercial spots were incorporated into a larger ABM strategy. This part of the campaign also leveraged personalized messaging to connect with audiences at each stage of the buyer’s journey.
Over the next year alone, Schulte Roofing’s commitment to the commercial market grew, and the new opportunities served as a compounding, driving force behind the brand’s growth. That year saw a lift, not only in social media followers or Schulte Roofing’s inclusion in the commercial roofing conversation, but in revenue and prestige — the company moved from $16M the previous year to $23M, a record-breaker for Schulte Roofing, and the company earned yet another Top 100 Roofing company ranking.
We produced three new commercial spots leveraging this residential relationship and transferring the previously established trust into the commercial message and campaign execution. The three new spots were created to work together as a singular, 60-second spot or independently as 30-second spots.
Secondly, we made sure that the website redesign targeted audiences separately using content-specific and relevant to the website visitor (residential customers would find residential content and commercial customers would find commercial content). To optimize our audience tracking and deliver the relevant content, we established an advanced audience tracking and CRM integration using both inbound and ABM strategies.
Online and offline, the campaign also included brand event activations to further build relationships with commercial targets, and we updated the brand identity and collateral to showcase Schulte Roofing’s commercial capabilities.
Weaving the touchpoints together in a unified approach, we created a strategy that would grow the brand organically, maximizing reach in the residential market and repositioning the brand for commercial accounts. We targeted specific commercial accounts because of their higher revenue, lower overhead costs, and long-term consistency (compared to residential projects of the same size). Along with finding new whitespace in the commercial realm, the strategy would also maintain the brand’s foothold in the residential market by using residential audiences synergistically, and not alienating them.
The campaign was specially designed to increase loyalty among residential audiences and then engage them as a referral engine for an ABM strategic approach. Through our efforts, we were able to build meaningful relationships with the commercial account targets that were already familiar with the residential side of the Schulte Roofing brand, such as from a past experience as a customer, seeing ads, or simply being familiar with the brand. By deepening and strengthening these relationships, we helped Schulte Roofing increase referrals for large commercial projects while simultaneously targeting commercial audiences with our ABM strategy.
Overall, the dual-prong approach to residential and commercial targets resulted in a 230% increase in referrals from project managers for commercial projects within the largest construction and infrastructure companies in the United States, and a 20% referral rate from commercial project managers for personal residential projects.
The Work.

Architectural photography of a commercial project, shot using multiple drones. The shots required our pilots to file for special F.A.A. clearances.

Overhead drone photography capturing a branded dispatch truck traveling down area roads. Images were taken during the commercial shoot.
The full 60 sec TV spot which was featured across digital channels (OTT/OTV/CTV) as well as broadcast channels. The complete spot features the 30 sec commercial and residential spots together.

Architectural photography of a residential project which was shot by drone, on-location. The photography served as the basis for other creative and collateral created.

Commercial team photography showcasing OSHA-compliant imagery, a key requirement of large commercial projects.

Residential team photography shot to establish the friendly, professional face that greets homeowners at their front door.

Creative aerial photography shot to present large complex, commercial projects by Schulte Roofing in a way that distinguishes itself from other commercial roofing companies.

Touchless business cards designed for the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic. These cards allowed audiences to directly save and utilize important contact details from a safe distance.

New corporate website with updated UI/UX that positions that brand as a commercial-forward roofing company. The updated website integrates the brand’s residential side with the near the same visibility. New features such as live chat, multi-channel user tracking, CRM/ERP integration, and real-time feedback drive the bulk of the personalization of the customer journey and experience with the brand.

A complete section of the website dedicated to the brand’s USP. Users can see a full breakdown with details on warranty coverage, workmanship, and the guarantees that back them.

Commercial roofing section designed with terminology and features that speak only to commercial audiences. Similar UX, but not completely, was built for the residential side to help users navigate easily.

A portfolio with a complete case study structure, supporting photography, and videography that dwarfs the traditional roofing picture galleries of most competitors.
Radio spots (broadcast and digital) that feature the new President of Schulte Roofing, Josh Schulte. This spot helped introduce the brand’s new face and transition the brand’s founder David Schulte to a senior leadership role.
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